
Plant-based: an alternative to healthy and sustainable eating.

The world is increasingly aware of environmental impacts and concerned about health.

For this reason, plant-based products stand out as sustainable and healthy alternatives for food.

Increasingly popular, These products reflect a paradigm shift in the ways we view food and its impact on the planet.

Above all, having a plant-based diet does not mean giving up flavor and variety.

In the end, the products currently available are incredibly diverse! You can find everything from vegetable-based burgers, that perfectly imitate the flavor and texture of meat, even tasty plant-based milks to use in various recipes.

Therefore, if you are looking for a way to adopt a more conscious and sustainable lifestyle, in addition to taking care of your health, plant-based products are a promising choice.

Nutritious and delicious options to transform your relationship with food and the world around you.

According to new trends, vegetable proteins are great options, both for meat, baked goods and chocolates, as for drinks, dairy and supplements. Check out some of them:

Plant-based proteins

A Nutralys®, pea protein from Roquette, is extracted from yellow peas through a process that promotes sustainability.

And what is better: Nutralys® proteins are versatile and can be used in textured or powdered form, without altering the flavor of the final product.

Additionally, have a high value of BCAAs (with an aminogram very close to milk protein), great absorption and all certified GMO and gluten-free, in addition to Halal and Kosher certificates.


Natural plant-based dyes

The FruitMax line of dyes® is complete, with products applicable in different market niches, obtained from natural ingredients such as vegetables, fruits and cereals.

FruitMax line dyes® come in different colors, like chlorophyll, beet, beta carotene, between others.

Above all, due to its high quality, can be declared as clean label.

Aromas plant-based

Talking about scents, a Grasse, with the portfolio of renowned manufacturer Symrise, offers a wide range of options with exclusive profiles aligned with the latest market trends.

With distinct and innovative aromas, the products are available in a natural version and with an identical aroma to the natural one.

The line also has condiments prepared to meet different needs., in powder options, liquids and in the form of emulsions.

Finally, there is also the possibility of developing new aromas with the technical team, creating a unique product for every need.


Extratos plant-based

Finlays tea and coffee extracts® They are excellent options for those looking for sensorial quality and standardization of tea in a single product..

All extracts are 100% cigars, with the highest levels of caffeine and polyphenols on the market.

Additionally, The products are obtained through sustainable and non-harmful processes, without preservatives or pesticides, and capable of imparting color, aroma and flavor naturally.

Finally, with so many natural and sustainable options, it is not necessary to give up flavor and variety when it comes to plant-based products.

Want to be part of a community that values ​​sustainability around the world?

Explore the Nutralys lines®, FruitMax®, aromas Grasse® and tea extracts from Finlays®, in addition to many other plant-based solutions.


Enter in contact Contact our commercial team to find out more.

