Innovating nutraceutical ingredients to promote the balance between health and well-being.

Creating customer success and maximizing product performance.

World-class ingredients alongside our deep technical knowledge and highest quality standards.

Creativity differentiates the way we source, formulate, and deliver the right ingredients.

Antimicrobial enzyme – SEA-i®

Sustainable solutions to improve animal performance and well-being.

Antimicrobial enzyme – SEA-i®

Always delivering better nutrition and taste solutions by using the best ingredients from world-class suppliers. .


Antimicrobial enzyme – SEA-i®

OR SEA-i ®, provided by Belgian Bienca, is a natural enzyme system, GMO-free that works to extend shelf life. Quando adicionado ao alimento, esse sistema provoca uma série de reações que inibe a multiplicação, absorption of nutrients and production of metabolites by
of microorganisms responsible for the deterioration of products. Therefore, sensory and nutritional qualities are maintained for longer, sem o uso de aditivos e conservantes artificiais.
SEA-i ® does not affect taste, cor, odor and appearance of the final product, e sua atividade enzimática também não provoca alterações nas características sensoriais originais do alimento.
O aumento da vida de prateleira de forma natural pode trazer diversas vantagens em questões de produção, distribution and marketing, além de conferir o aspecto clean label ao produto.

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