


The coronavirus pandemic has demonstrated that health goes far beyond the physical, since it is also linked to the emotional and spiritual, which highlights the concept of holistic well-being. This way, in addition to concerns about immunity, The COVID-19 crisis has sparked consumer interest in issues related to mental health. A Mintel survey shows that for 62% of Brazilians, mental health became a greater priority as a result of the pandemic.


Changes in routine, how to take care of the house, prepare meals, Keeping up with schoolwork and still being able to balance it all with working from home can be extremely stressful.. Additionally, It is necessary to face social isolation and financial concerns. This scenario caused an increase in stress, anxiety and depression, causing many people to seek comfort through the preparation and consumption of more indulgent foods and drinks to maintain mental/emotional health.


Although mental health is closely related to everyday life and situations faced, such as the pandemic, it is also linked to intestinal health. Research already considers the intestine as a “second brain” and points out the importance of good digestive health for mood.


In this way, There is an opportunity for food and beverage companies to develop products with a better nutritional profile, that is, with reduced sugar and fat and high fiber/protein/vitamins and minerals intake, without sacrificing flavor. Like this, It is possible to address both physical and mental/emotional health concerns.


Attentive to market trends, Tovani Benzaquen has ingredients aimed at healthiness in its broad portfolio. Among them, o Lactium®, which is a hydrolyzed milk protein with relaxing and anti-stress effects.


It is a versatile ingredient, with diverse application possibilities. Lactium® helps regulate anxiety symptoms without causing addiction, as well as assisting in general well-being and cognitive improvement (memory and concentration).


Already focused on digestive health, We work with different fiber options, amongst them, o GOFOS™. Or F.O.S., a soluble fiber from beet sugar, it has 95% short-chain fructooligosaccharides, in addition to 30% of sweetness when compared to sucrose. It is an interesting alternative to reduce sugar and add fiber to foods. Both Lactium® and GOFOS™ have scientific studies proving its effects.


Tovani Benzaquen has been operating for 28 years on the market, providing functional ingredients for all Life Science segments to provide health and well-being for everyone. Count on us to help with your development!


Contact us we will be very pleased to serve you.
Tovani Benzaquen Ingredients

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