


The growth of the pet market in Brazil is notable. With the arrival of the Pandemic, many animals were adopted, following forecasts 2020. At the moment, the presence of domestic animals in Brazilian daily life is more evident, showing a ratio of one dog to four people, or one cat for every eight people. Then, why not consider them a member of the family?


According to a survey by World Animal Protection, “77% of pet owners have dogs, and of these, 94% consider animals as a member of the family.”.


The profile of current tutors shows a healthy trend, where Pets' nutrition has become crucial for a long and healthy life and this includes a balanced eating habit. The main source of complete food for dogs and cats is food derived from quality ingredients.. Brazilian production follows this market trend, looking for all the necessary ingredients to meet your pet's daily needs, as a source of energy, vitamins and minerals. In the one year period between 2018/2019, were manufactured 2,85 million tons of food for the Petfood sector. Next year, were manufactured 3,17 millions of tons, representing an increase of 11%, being able to reach the mark of 20% em 2021.


This shows that feeding pets continues to come first for owners., with investments representing 3,2 a 7% in dogs and 1,3 a 2,8% in cats of total family income.


Choosing ingredients is essential for producing a high-quality product that meets your pet’s needs.. Always evaluating new technologies in the segment, We are able to offer options to the market that are stable to the extrusion process and provide an adequate nutritional level that provides maximum quality of life for dogs and cats., which in turn optimize the quality and sale of our customers' products.


With several options of natural ingredients and concentrated plant extracts, We at Tovani Benzaquen can offer the ideal solution for your Pet product.


Contact us; we will be very pleased to serve you!
Tovani Benzaquen Ingredients

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