Haplex ® Plus


Haplex ® Plus: How this ingredient acts in the body in favor of joints

O Haplex ® Plus is food-grade hyaluronic acid developed by Bloomage Biotech and produced through fermentation in accordance with the strictest manufacturing standards.

Hyaluronic acid (Haplex ® Plus) is an organic component, present in the synovial fluid of the joints, which has excellent viscoelastic properties, providing lubrication and reducing friction between cartilage surfaces, ensuring smooth movement of joints and preserving their integrity.

Over the years, cellular metabolism becomes slower and the synthesis of hyaluronic acid in the body gradually decreases. Due to this process, the water present in the collagen fibers and elastic fibers of the skin is reduced, causing wrinkles to appear.

What happens when this process begins in the body:

With the decrease of hyaluronic acid in the joints, increases the chance of the individual developing osteoarthritis and therefore supplementation of this component is important, as it is able to supply the body's loss of hyaluronic acid and keep joints healthy.



To minimize this process, supplementation with hyaluronic acid is an excellent alternative, as it is one of the most hydrophilic molecules found in nature, functioning as a molecular sponge, capable of retaining water 500 a 1.000 times its own weight, which demonstrates that it is capable of intrinsically nourishing the skin, making it more elastic, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and lubricating joints.

O Haplex ® can be used in drinks, rubber bands, dairy products, among others and, in combination with Verisol ® – hydrolyzed collagen – its effect is enhanced.

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