

When we talk about the pet market, the theme “the humanization of pets” always comes up.
Already in 2015, studies have proven that the relationship between dogs and humans is governed by the hormone oxytocin, the love hormone, the same thing that establishes a bond between mothers and children.

More and more, pets have been gaining space in the lives of Brazilians. They are almost 142 millions of pets, according to data from Instituto Pet Brasil. A market, that in 2019, raised more than R$22 billion reais, according to Abinpet. These are numbers that grow year after year and do not seem to feel the impact of the crisis.

Just as the search for a healthy and natural diet is already an established reality in the human consumption market,, we see the pet market following the same path. That's where humanization comes in: bring into your pet's life, the reality of your daily life.

In a study carried out by Mintel, over half (54%) of those interviewed, declared that they feel much more like a father/mother to their pets than a guardian.

This becomes even more evident when we see the launches and innovations that the market promotes in the food and beauty sector..

Walking the streets of São Paulo, you can find specialized bakeries for pets, with products ranging from muffins and chocolates to seasonal products, like panettone, Easter eggs and even a party kit to celebrate your dog or cat's birthday.

Vegan foods, with alternative protein sources, like pea protein, rice and soy, is also gaining space on shelves. Just like natural complete foods, free of dyes and with the use of natural antioxidants.

With a public increasingly concerned about health and well-being, feeling even more pronounced in times of pandemic, The pet market is going through a time of great transformation and growth, which will certainly bring many innovations in the coming years. It is us, da Tovani Benzaquen, we are always in tune with the market, bringing solutions that meet the needs of the pet food industry.

A Tovani Benzaquen, one of the main distributors of food and functional ingredients in South America, is always looking for innovations to improve health and provide well-being for everyone.

Contact us we will be very pleased to serve you.

Tovani Benzaquen Ingredients

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