food ingredients


4 healthy food ingredients you should pay attention to!

Discover some of the most used food ingredients in balanced diets and improve your quality of life!


The human body works like a machine. If well taken care of, the chances that it will work correctly are very high, which helps prolong people’s lives. That way, all the nutrients from food ingredients we eat during the day, are sent directly to our body, causing both benefits and harms.


The nutrients found during the ingestion of food ingredients are mainly responsible for the functioning of the human body and act more efficiently in certain areas such as the heart., the brain, and fire, the hair, the liver and also the kidneys.


Tovani Benzaquen has prepared a basic list with some of the food ingredients most beneficial to people's health. Check out some of them and start changing your diet:


Oat bran: Oats contain minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and B vitamins that help the heart and intestinal tract function properly. Additionally, oat bran helps reduce cholesterol and blood sugar risks, protecting the body against the formation of clots and other harm.


Bitter chocolate: Good for the heart, dark chocolate is an excellent way to satisfy that huge craving for sweets in a healthier way. If a person consumes about 25 grams of dark chocolate per day, it will be reducing the risks of blood pressure and fatty plaques in the blood vessels.


Chia: Chia is widely used in balanced diets, generally recommended by nutritionists. Good for the skin, hair and nails, chia seeds have vegetable origin with good quality protein, able to stimulate keratin, hair strand forming. This ingredient can be added to daily meals, in dessert and also in fruits and natural drinks.


Linseed: Good for the kidneys, Flaxseed is rich in Omega 3 and contributes to the balance of the action of the body's hormones, mainly the water part of the body and also the intestinal tract


Meet Tovani Benzaquen, company with more than 27 years of experience in the market for high quality ingredients and additives and technology. Our team specializes in serving and supporting industries during new product launches, modern, delicious and healthy.



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