
Tovani Benzaquen na FiSA 2022

To FiSA, one of the main events in the food sector, drinks and supplements in Brazil, returned to its face-to-face format in 2022, after the pandemic period, and it happened in the days 09, 10 e 11 August at São Paulo Expo.

As one of the founding members of this important fair, We couldn't help but participate in this edition.


Our partners Ashland, Bloomage Biotechnology Corp., Ltd., Fonterra, LACTOSAN A/S e Otter They were there with us too.


Check out the ingredient innovations we present:

Veggie Shrimp: shrimp based NUTRALYS®, textured pea protein, e Soy protein. It contains in its composition the IN vegan protein mask for salt base e vegan aroma identical to natural shrimp.


Funny Popcorn: sweet popcorn with colorful topping vegetable concentrates and natural dyes, developed in partnership with Oterra. It has FOS in its composition, a prebiotic fiber from beet sugar, KEYBOARD® natural stevia, e aroma identical to natural paçoca.


Veggie Cookie: made of NUTRALYS®, pea protein isolate, chocolate flavour. It has 30% of sugar reduction and contains in its composition our blend of natural sweeteners and poop fiber.


Sweet Surprise: traditional white chocolate with inclusions of carbonated sugar e crunchies Of Strawberry to promote appearance, innovative texture and flavor. It also contains in its composition the Yoguline da Lactosan.


Pealk: drink based on NUTRALYS®, pea protein isolate sweetened with blend of sucrose, FOS and natural flavor modulator. Includes in its composition Coconut TCM for promotion of mouthfeel. It has 4g of protein and 6g of fat in a 200ml portion.


Green Slim Tea: low-calorie tea based on green tea extract Finlays, acerola flavor and no added sugar.


Biofiber Pro: dairy compound without added sugars. Formulated with SureProtein™ WPC 550, a whey concentrate, PROMISING®85, soluble corn fiber, FORTIBONE®, a bioactive collagen peptide for bone health, e DHA ORIGINS® 170P, omega-based powder mix 3. Delivers 8g of protein per serving.


Protein Plus: fermented milk drink with high protein content (30g/portion). Formulated with SureProtein™ WPC 567, a whey concentrate that allows greater protein intake without increasing viscosity and decantation of the ingredient. It also contains FOS in its composition, KEYBOARD® e natural aroma of blackberry.


Calm Pro: ready-to-consume liquid food supplement based on SureProtein™ WPC 550, whey concentrate, e SureProtein™ MPC 70, concentrated milk protein. Formulated with Creamline Lactosan 909001, that promotes the feeling mouthfeel drinks, e Milk®, a bioactive decapeptide extracted from milk casein that has action in relieving physical and emotional symptoms related to stress. Delivers 15g of protein per serving.


Anti Aging Choco: food supplement in semisweet chocolate bar. Formulated with Cousin™ (trans-resveratrol natural), which has antioxidant action, anti-inflammatory, improves cardiovascular health and increases blood oxygenation. It also includes in its composition HAPLEX® Plus (200-600kDa), sodium hyaluronate food grade which helps reduce wrinkles, softening expression marks, in addition to promoting skin health and elasticity.


Brain Relax: powdered food supplement formulated with Gabrelax™ (gamma-aminobutyric acid), which plays a fundamental role in recovery after exercise, promotes the synthesis of type I collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin. Additionally, it has Memree™ PS 50, a phosphatidylserine concentrate with proven performance-enhancing action, focus, cognition and mood. Coloring, we use the FruitMax®WSP 300 Açaí, a vegetable concentrate based on spirulina. Delivers 10g of prebiotic fiber per serving.

Veggie Protein Soup: powdered food supplement for preparing soup based on rice protein and NUTRALYS®, pea protein isolate. Includes in its composition garlic powder, flakes of broccoli, natural garlic flavor, salt-based protein NAT masker e Earthlight®, vitamin D2 produced from mushrooms. Delivers 16g of protein.


In Grasse, which is now part of Tovani Benzaquen, also brought some new features based on healthiness and indulgence trends, amongst them: cookie sabor pink lemonade, com crunchies raspberry and natural lemon flavor, mandioquinha chips olive oil flavor with rosemary and caramelized onion, garlic flavored peanuts in butter and pepperoni e sweet dream flavor fried dough. In the same way, addressed the new legislation (RDC 429/2020) and the trend plant-based. Check out the prototypes below:


Orange soda: contains in its composition the Symlife® Rounding Flavor, a solution for soft drinks in general to make up for the sugar reduction in the formulation. This modulator works in synergy with sweeteners, improving mouthfeel (body recovery) and masking undesirable notes.


Chipotle flavored vegan mayonnaise: com aroma natural de chipotle e Aquafaba flakes, product from chickpea water that acts as an emulsifier, replacing eggs in vegan formulations.


See photos from the event in the gallery below:


FiSA Stand 2022 Time FiSA 2022 Booth 2 FiSA


Are you interested and want to know more about our ingredients?? Get in touch with our commercial team!