
Tovani Benzaquen at the 17th International Industry Congress

In the days 7, 8 e 9 July, we participated in the 17th International Industry Congress, organized by ABIMAPI e ABICAB.


The main objective of the event was to contribute to the strengthening and growth of the Biscuit markets, Pastas, Industrialized Breads and Cakes (ABIMAPI) e Chocolates, Cocoa, Peanut, Bullets and Derivatives (ABICAB).


It was a great opportunity to meet partners and customers throughout the event in Florianópolis – SC.

In addition to participating and updating us through the content presented by the organization, We take advantage of this moment to bring some news to the sector.


Check out what we presented at the event below.:

Savory Biscuit with reduced sodium and lactose free: developed to allow increased production yield, reduction of cookie losses, avoiding breakages and increasing acceptance of sensory parameters.

We use lactose-free parmesan cheese powder (LFL-Lactofreeline) from our partner Lactosan and potassium chloride with a patented process from Nutek.


Find out more in our blogpost: Lactosan cheese powder: functionality, flavor and aroma.


Access the complete sheet of this prototype here.


Soft Cookie: with pea vegetable protein Nutralys®, used to assist in the structure, promoting softness and crunchiness, ensuring optimal product humidity; added cocoa fiber, for cost reduction and partial replacement of cocoa, has great flavor, color and texture.


Gummy with Hyaluronic Acid: we use the HaplexPlus® (200-600 kDa), hyaluronic acid (HA) low molecular weight, produced from a patented natural method, with high HA concentrations and purity level. Softens expression marks, helps reduce wrinkles, promotes skin health and elasticity.

Read more about Gummies in our blogpost.


See photos from the event in the gallery below:


Want to know more about our products? Contact us, We have a team at your disposal!