
GOFOS™ – Digestive health for your pet

The pet food market has grown over the years and the humanization of pets opens up opportunities for more premium foods. Trends and innovations for this category have focused on digestive health, immune and also mental.


It is expected that in the coming years, pet health priorities evolve in line with human health trends.


According to research by Mintel, 58% of owners in the USA are concerned about their pets’ digestive health. No brazil, 20% are looking for solutions that help bring mental well-being to their pets and 45% prefer to buy pet food free of artificial additives and preservatives.


Thinking about bringing healthiness and encouraging an increasingly better life for you and your pet, we present GOFOS™, a fructooligosaccharide, more commonly known as FOS.


This ingredient is a soluble prebiotic fiber obtained from beet sugar through a natural process., ensuring a high degree of purity (nearly 95% short-chain fructooligosaccharides).


Studies have shown that the main benefits of GOFOS™ are associated with intestinal health. As it is not digested by the body, GOFOS™ is fermented in the intestine, promoting the growth of probiotics, i.e., bacteria essential for the proper functioning of the digestive system.


As it is a short-chain fructooligosaccharide, GOFOS™ is more quickly consumed by intestinal bacteria, when compared to long-chain FOS.


GOFOS™ also contributes to the absorption of nutrients, such as magnesium and calcium, which helps to strengthen bones.


The benefits for the human and animal body, particularly in the areas of health, involve: reduction of cardiovascular diseases, cholesterol and inflammatory bowel diseases, in addition to improving digestion.


GOFOS™ is stable to most processes carried out in foods, suffering greater degradation in thermal processes involving high temperature and/or extreme pH. This characteristic favors the industrialization of products enriched with GOFOS™.


This group of carbohydrates has gained increasing prominence in recent years due to its ability to perform several beneficial functions for the body.. GOFOS™ is also approved by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply – MAPA, and can be sold throughout the national territory.


GOFOS™ is an innovative ingredient, has a slightly sweet flavor, in addition to not causing a spike in blood sugar levels. This ingredient helps support increased motility and digestive health, thus achieving your animal's sense of well-being.


Interested? Get in touch now and speak to one of our experts!